My BIG Little Life

Some may find my blog boring and somewhat mundane because it is simply a documentation of the 'happenings' in my life, which is why I call it "My Big Little Life." It's a huge and happy life to me, but my family is what makes it huge and happy. I love that friends and family read my blog, but it's certainly not an expectation. If you do read it I hope you can get a sense of how I live and what makes me happy.

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's A Boy!

We found out today that our sweet angel is a little baby boy. His name is Colston David Braddy. We are so thrilled and have been texting and emailing all day to spread the news.
Kyle and Erin came with me to the ultrasound. The technician was very thorough and took measurements of everything before telling us the sex. We had to wait to the very end and of course it was the only thing on our minds... well, we also cared very much about how he was developing and apparently he is growing right on track. He is 8 oz. which is a bit bigger than all my books they he should be. I wonder if that means he will be a big, maybe tall boy? He is about as long as a dollar bill. By the end of the next 4 weeks he will be nearly 26 oz. Hard to believe he will grow that much! I guess knowing that means knowing my stomach will grow as well!
We are so happy! Life is good. We are very blessed to have the lives we do!

1 comment:

  1. SO thrilled that it's a boy !! Colston David is the best name and I love how it's a bit of our family and a bit of Kyle's, joined. So much fun going with you yesterday.
